Visiting Lives Who Are Not
This post first appeared on September 20, 2010
who is to say a character is not alive because it didn’t arrive in the usual way
once again my fragile body has taken me away from my books, research, school visits, letter answering, and blog entries and answers. thanks to my red pencil (editor Pierre;some of you have met) I have heard your wonderful letters to me. Thank you.
If I have any say in the matter, this silly nonsense of bones disappearing and needing replacing (thumb this time) will end. Of course I have no say which is why I like to write.I can tell my characters what to do and say at all times except when they interrupt. In writing the 4th Blackbeard book, I have re-read books 1,2,and 3. Loved them. They live and breathe and play in a place and time I am not well enough to visit. I visited through them and got better faster.I read other favorites that worked the same magic. The authors that live in the places I can only sort of visit must have so much fun. Go write. Then read. I’ll see you in school. Love, Audrey